Transmitter Hunting References, Indexed by Subject
Regular Magazine Columns
DF-ers, Dopplers, etc.
Ideas for the Fox
Sources of Books and Articles
by Joseph D. Moell, K0OV, and Thomas N. Curlee, WB6UZZ
(TAB/McGraw-Hill #2701, 1987).
Considered the "T-hunters bible", this book will tell you how you can build
an attenuator, various ways to mount an antenna on your car, and lots of
other neat stuff.
THE ARRL ANTENNA BOOK, published by the American Radio Relay League, Newington, CT USA 06111. (There is a good section on Direction Finding Antennas)
73 MAGAZINE has a regular column: HOMING IN , which is a very
good source of current information. This column is hosted by Joe Moell K0OV,
one of the co-authors of the above-mentioned book. The column covers many
aspects of this hobby.
Here is the INDEX to HOMING IN articles in
73 magazine
"... let's build a yagi!"
Homing in column, Joe Moell K0OV, 73 Magazine, May 1996, p.68
(How to build the N6WZI 2-element antenna - AN EASY PROJECT)
Transmitter Hunting Equipment: A Club Project
Sam Guccione K3BY, 73 Magazine, May 1996, p36
(Active Attenuator and Antenna projects)
Three-Element Direct Connect Beam for 2m
Edward Oros AC3L, 73 Magazine, April 1996, p.54
(A 3-element yagi, not designed for T-hunting)
Build Your Own 2-Meter Beam!
Dale L. Botkin N0XAS, QST, October 1995, p. 63
(Plans for a two-element quad.)
A Five-Element Quad for 2 Meters
QST, January 1995, p. 67
The Arrow Antenna
by Mike Walker KA0VFF and Al Lowe N0IMW, 73, April, 1992, pg. 10
(Build a portable 4-element antenna).
What's That New Signal on 80 Meters
1989 February, QST, p. 18
(DFing loop antennna)
The Coplanar Twin-Loop Antenna
1988 September QST
Simple Antenna and S-Meter Modification for 2-Meter FM Direction
1981 March QST, p. 43
An Active Attenuator for Transmitter Hunting
by Anjo Enhoorn, PA0ZR, QST, November, 1992, pg. 28.
Also in ARRL Handbook, 1995 Edition, pp. 23.74-23.75
(An extremely useful project).
An RF Step Attenuator
Denton Bramwell K7OWJ, QST, June 1995, p. 33
Knock-It-Down and Lock-It-Out Boxes for DF (attenuator)
1981 April QST, p. 41
The Four-Way DFer
Malcolm C. Mallette WA9BVS, QST, November 1995, p. 29
(See also Feedback, Dec., p.79)
Mobile VHF/UHF direction-finding gear.
Poor Man's Doppler
Sam Guccione KB3YCC, 73 Magazine, November 1995, p. 38
A Doppler system.
A Simple Seeker Direction Finder
Geiser, ARRL Antenna Compendium, Volume III, p. 126
Also in the ARRL Handbook, 1995 Edition, pp 23.72-23.73
A Cheap Way to Hunt Transmitters
Glen Rickerd KC6TNF, QST, January 1994, p. 65
Build the HANDI-Finder!
Bob Leskovec, K8DTS, QST, May, 1993, pg. 35
An Automated Mobile Radio-Direction-Finding System
by Robert H. Flanagan, KA1RBH, QST, December, 1993, pg. 51
(A way to spend a lot of money).
Foxhunt Radio Direction Finder
by Paul Bohrer W9DUU, 73 Magazine, July, 1990 pg. 9
This system, which appears to be similar to the commercial "SuperDFer"
really does work.
Circuit boards may be available from W9DUU.
Build the Handy Tracker
Joe Moell K0OV, 73 Magazine, September 1989, p. 58 and November 1989, p.
the fox box, a direction-finding tool
by Peter Bertini, K1ZJH, Ham Radio, October, 1985
(Hard to find, but contains some good ideas).
Updating the Double-Duckie Direction Finder
1982 May QST, p. 15
Double-Ducky Direction Finder
1981 July QST, p. 11
The DoppleScAnt
1978 May, QST, p. 24
The FOXBOX, A voice ID T-hunt controller
by Rex Drake, KI5GH, 73, March, 1994, pg, 42.
Throw Your Voice
73 Amateur Radio Today magazine, December 1990
describes a remote control system for the "Un-Music Box" project in the
Moell/Curlee T-hunt book.
Getting Your Club Started in Transmitter Hunting
Si Dunn K5JRN, QST, March 1995, p. 59
Transmitter Hunting: Tracking Down the Fun
Joe Moell K0OV, QST, April 1993, pg 48 (Part 1), and May, 1993 (Part 2).
Amateur Radio Direction Finding
1987 November QST, p. 46
Direction Finding with the Interferometer
1985 November QST, p. 33
HF DF - A Technique for Volunteer Monitoring
1984 March QST, p. 34
Maverick Trackdown
1980 July QST, p. 22
Direction Finding - European Style
1978 September QST, p. 38
If your city or town has stores that cater to the amateur radio enthusiast, look first to any such store for books such as TRANSMITTER HUNTING - RADIO DIRECTION FINDING SIMPLIFIED, and the host of ARRL books, such as THE ARRL ANTENNA HANDBOOK.
Most larger book stores carry various ARRL books from time to time, so maybe there are some near you that do the same. All book stores can order individual books for you.
For any ARRL publication, you can order directly from the ARRL, 225 Main
Street, Newington, Ct. 06111 USA.
I notice that in most all the latest issues of QST they have a publication
catalog, so find a copy of QST, and you can browse what's available.
Now for the tough part: back issues of magazines, for the articles listed. Your best bet is to find a radio amateur in your area who subscribes to QST and/or 73 magazine(s) and borrow the back issues to copy. Some of the older issues will be tough to find, I am sure. (Maybe I should start a business making copies of those articles; think I could get rich that way? I'll bet the magazines wouldn't like me doing that :-) )
Of course, you can also write to the magazines and find out if they have back issues to sell. They usually do have some.
73 currently advertises article reprints at $3 each. Thier address is: 73 Amateur Radio Today Magazine, 70 Route 202N, Peterbourough NH 03458-1107.